If our job is not to capture
these moments, what a waste of
a picturesque love would it be!

Photography is one of the most satisfying ways to tell a story. It can capture life, a period, a moment, a story, or feelings. At Rocketvows, we practice the art of seeing, to spot something interesting in an ordinary place or space.

Diane Arbus once said, “A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know”. Like the saying a picture speaks a thousand words, the point of photography is to capture what cannot be said with words.

For us, a good photograph is one that communicates and touches the heart, effectively. The tone of a photo matters in how a message is being delivered. Whether it sparks joy or tears, a photograph articulates better than words for some people.


We keep in mind that your wedding is about a lot more than just a single moment. With photography, we capture all the laughter, tears, silliness and love that happen on the happiest day of your life.